Contact Us


We pride ourselves on our communication with our school community. As well as this website, we send home regular newsletters and Hero posts. We have three Facebook pages that we update regularly: Oxford Crescent School, OCS Sports and Physical Activity and OCS Fundraisers.

Classroom Communication

Teachers are in the classrooms from 8:30am onwards and we have scheduled staff and syndicate meetings to start at 3:30pm. This way we have the opportunity to meet with parents and caregivers if necessary. This is a great method of sharing day-to-day information.

If you would like a longer meeting to share more confidential information you are welcome to arrange one with the teacher.

How to find us: 

5 Oxford Crescent, Ebdentown, Upper Hutt​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


For absences please contact the office or fill out the absences form here.​​​​​​​

Contact Us

Telephone: (04) 528 5843
Address: 5 Oxford Crescent, Ebdentown, Upper Hutt​​​​​​​

Contact - Staff Member

Click here for a current contact list.

Niggles​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Process 

It's often best to share our concerns before an issue gets too big. Here is a flowchart of our Niggles Process for you to follow.